How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (2024)

There’s no denying that hedgehogs make sweet, adorable little pets, but caring for them isn’t always intuitive, especially if you’ve never owned one before.

This is especially true when trying to decide what to feed them. If you’re like most people, then you’ll sometimes be stuck at feeding times, not knowing whether you’re giving them too much or not enough, whether their meals are healthy, and so on.

In this guide, we’ll explain exactly what your hedgehog should be eating — including amounts and times — and reveal the foods that you should never give your little buddy.

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (1)

What to Feed Hedgehogs

The most important question that you’ll deal with at dinnertime is what, exactly, to give your hedgehog. Here’s a list of foods that are both nutritious and delicious for your little buddy.

Daily Foods

These should make up the bulk of your hedgehog’s diet and should be served at every meal.

  • Hedgehog food
  • Low-fat, high-protein cat food


Try to get lean cuts of the following meats, and only give them to your hedgehog as a snack a few times a week. It’s best if you buy the meats raw and cook them yourself, as precooked meats are often full of salt and other ingredients that are bad for your pet’s health.

  • Chicken
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (2)


Most of these veggies should be cooked before serving, and they should definitely be washed thoroughly to remove traces of pesticides and other chemicals. You may want to buy pesticide-free veggies, just in case.


While most hedgehogs love fruit, fruit can be high in sugar, which can lead to obesity and other health problems. Only serve them a small amount of fruit a couple of times a week.

  • Cherries
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Mangos
  • Pears
  • Honeydew
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Peaches
  • Squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Berries
How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (3)

Occasional Snacks

The following treats are fine for hedgehogs to eat in extreme moderation. Don’t serve them every week, but a small portion once or twice a month should be fine. Save them for special occasions!

  • Waxworms
  • Mealworms
  • Crickets
  • Steak
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Cottage cheese

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (4)

Foods to NEVER Feed Your Hedgehog

What’s just as important as knowing what you should feed your hedgehog is knowing what you should never serve them. Not all these foods are necessarily toxic, but there’s no reason to ever share them with your pet.

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (5)
  • Milk
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Pineapple
  • Citrus
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Processed meat
  • Raw meat
  • Heavily seasoned or fried meat
  • Bait insects
  • Wild-caught insects
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Chocolate

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (6)

Hedgehogs Feeding Chart

All TimesMorningEarly EveningLate Evening
SundayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog foodHandful of gut-loaded crickets or wormsApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food
MondayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food1 tsp. veggies of your choiceApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food
TuesdayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food1 tsp. veggies of your choice

1 tsp. lean meat

Approx. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food
WednesdayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food1 tsp. fruit of your choiceApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food
ThursdayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food1 tsp. veggies of your choice

1 tsp. lean meat

Approx. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food
FridayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food1 tsp. veggies of your choiceApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food
SaturdayFresh Clean WaterApprox. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food1 tsp. fruit of your choice

1 tsp. lean meat

Approx. ½ – 1 tbsp. of appropriate dry cat kibble or hedgehog food


How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (7)

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (8)

How Often to Feed Hedgehogs

In the wild, hedgehogs primarily hunt and feed at night, so ideally, you’d be serving them their meals while it’s still dark outside. However, that’s often not feasible, and we don’t recommend quitting your job in order to stay on your hedgehog’s schedule.

As a result, many people choose to feed their pet first thing in the morning and once at night. Others put their hedgehog’s daily allotment of food inside the tank all at once and allow them to free-feed at their own leisure.

It’s less important to feed them on a set schedule than it is to maintain strict portion control and ensure that their food is fresh and healthy. If you decide to allow them to free-feed, make sure to remove any uneaten food at the end of the day to ensure that it doesn’t start to rot.

Is Cooked Meat Good for Hedgehogs?

Hedgehogs are omnivores, and as such, they can eat small amounts of lean, cooked meat, like chicken, salmon, tuna, or the occasional bite of steak.

However, meat should only be served cooked, as raw meat could make them very sick. You should cook the meat yourself, as pre-cooked meat is usually loaded with sodium and other additives that aren’t good for your pet.

Steaming or grilling the meat is fine. Just cook it thoroughly and avoid adding any spices, and be sure to cut it into appropriate-sized pieces for your hedgehog.

Healthy Treats for Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs have a broad palate, so there’s a wide variety of foods that can be served as a treat. Many veggies or fruits make excellent treats, as they’re loaded with nutrition and delicious. Be careful not to overdo it with the fruits, though, as all that extra sugar could lead to unhealthy weight gain.

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (9)

You can also feed them gut-loaded insects like crickets, mealworms, or waxworms. You should only buy these insects from a pet food store rather than someplace like a bait shop, as the pet food store will take more care to ensure that they’re healthy before selling them.

Don’t give your hedgehog any insects that you’ve caught yourself. These bugs might have come in contact with pesticides or other chemicals that could harm your pet, and the bugs themselves may be dangerous to hedgehogs. Stick to the store-bought ones.

While you’re at the pet store, you can check to see if they have pre-packaged hedgehog treats. These are safe in terms of being non-toxic, but you should still read the labels to make sure they’re not loaded with unhealthy ingredients.

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (10)

How Often Do Hedgehogs Drink Water?

Hedgehogs drink as soon as they feel thirsty, so there’s no set schedule behind their drinking habits or anything like that. A healthy hedgehog should drink somewhere in the vicinity of 1 ½ to 2 ½ tablespoons of water every day.

As a result, your hedgehog must have access to plenty of fresh, clean water at all times. We recommend replacing the water in their dish at least once a day.

How often they’ll drink will depend on a variety of factors. Younger hedgehogs drink considerably more than older animals do, and it’s not unusual for a juvenile hedgehog to down 4 tablespoons or more of water in a 24-hour period.

Animals can get a large amount of moisture from the food that they eat as well, so if you’ve recently given your hedgehog water-filled fruits or vegetables, they may drink less that day. Conversely, a pet that’s been given nothing but dry kibble will likely want to drink more than normal.

The amount that a hedgehog will drink on a daily basis will vary from animal to animal, but you should try to get a rough idea of how much your pet drinks every day. This will allow you to know if your hedgehog is drinking more or less than normal. Either situation could be a sign that something is wrong with your pet, and you should discuss the problem with your vet.

What to Do If Your Hedgehog Isn’t Eating

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (11)

There are many reasons that a hedgehog might stop eating. Many of them have to do with stress, but others could be signs of disease or illness.

Don’t be alarmed if your hedgehog doesn’t eat when you first bring them home or if you move to a new place. Hedgehogs are sensitive to changes in environment, and they may be too busy making sure their new home is safe (or simply exploring it) to have much of an appetite. Wait a day or two, and if the situation doesn’t resolve itself, take your pet to your veterinarian.

Hedgehogs may stop eating if they’re not getting enough water or if their diet has recently changed. Check to make sure that their water bottle is clean and functioning properly, and if you have to switch up your pet’s diet, do it gradually to reduce the risk of an upset stomach.

Other things that could be affecting your pet’s appetite include loneliness or discomfort due to temperature. You should do everything in your power to make sure your hedgehog is comfortable, and that may include changing the ambient temperature in their tank or getting them a friend.

If you suspect that your hedgehog’s refusal to eat is due to environmental factors rather than health problems, you can try to remedy the problem yourself. You can also try to tempt your hedgehog to eat by offering them high-value foods, like baby food or other beloved treats.

Of course, health issues can often cause changes in an animal’s appetite as well. They may have an intestinal blockage, an upset stomach, problems with their teeth and gums, or a more serious disease, like cancer. If you’ve tried to solve the problem yourself to no avail, take your hedgehog to the vet as soon as possible.

How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (12)


Hedgehogs make wonderful pets, but unless you have a great deal of experience taking care of them, figuring out what (and how much) to feed them can be stressful.

Fortunately, these animals are simple creatures, and as long as you follow these guidelines, you should have no issue getting your hedgehog to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Related Read:

  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Cat Food? What You Need to Know!
  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Chocolate? What You Need to Know!
  • Can Hedgehogs Eat Mealworms? Here’s What You Need to Know!
  • Do Hedgehogs Eat Poop? What You Need to Know!
  • Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets? What You Need to Know
  • How to Bond with your Hedgehog: 9 Easy Ways

Featured Image Credit: Best dog photo, Shutterstock


  • What to Feed Hedgehogs
    • Daily Foods
    • Meats
    • Veggies
    • Fruits
    • Occasional Snacks
  • Foods to NEVER Feed Your Hedgehog
  • Hedgehogs Feeding Chart
  • How Often to Feed Hedgehogs
  • Is Cooked Meat Good for Hedgehogs?
  • Healthy Treats for Hedgehogs
  • How Often Do Hedgehogs Drink Water?
  • What to Do If Your Hedgehog Isn’t Eating
  • Conclusion
How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet (2024)


How Much & How Often to Feed a Hedgehog: Feeding Chart & Guide | PangoVet? ›

The right quantity of food along with enough exercise is the key to keeping your hedgehog at an optimal weight. Hedgies require about 70 to 100 calories a day which isn't all that much. Roughly, depending on the specific calorie content of the food offered, this would break down to about 1 to 3 Tablespoons per day.

How much should you feed a hedgehog per day? ›

The right quantity of food along with enough exercise is the key to keeping your hedgehog at an optimal weight. Hedgies require about 70 to 100 calories a day which isn't all that much. Roughly, depending on the specific calorie content of the food offered, this would break down to about 1 to 3 Tablespoons per day.

Can you overfeed a hedgehog? ›

Too much food can also stop them hibernating, which messes up their breeding cycles. Apparently, some hedgehogs get so chubby that they can no longer roll into a ball.

How often should hedgehogs be feed worms and crickets? ›

A pet hedgehog's diet should mainly consist of high-quality hedgehog food mixed with high-quality, low-fat cat food. The following supplemental foods can be offered in small amounts two to three times a week: Gut-loaded insects, such as mealworms and crickets.

What is a hedgehog's favorite food? ›

The most important invertebrates in their diet are worms, beetles, slugs, caterpillars, earwigs and millipedes. As well as these, they also eat a wide range of other insects. More infrequently, they will take advantage of carrion, frogs, baby rodents, baby birds, birds' eggs and fallen fruit.

What time of day should I feed my hedgehog? ›

Place in a shallow dish and put in a sheltered area of your garden, or a feeding station (see below), around sunset. Splitting food over several sites may reduce aggression at food bowls. Don't forget to offer water bowls too!

Should I put food out for hedgehogs every night? ›

Feeding hedgehogs in your garden should only be a supplement to their natural diet, or to help them during the harder Winter months, so it is important to not offer too much of any one type of food.

How do I know if my hedgehog is hungry? ›

A Quick Guide to Hedgehog Noises:
  1. Grunting and snuffling, like a pig = hedgehog out and about, looking for food.
  2. Chuffing like a steam train = mating season.
  3. Chirping like a baby bird = hungry hoglets in the nest.
  4. Screaming Hedgehog = in pain and distress.
  5. Hissing Hedgehog = warning sign - keep away!
Jul 21, 2022

Should I feed my hedgehog everyday? ›

They like to fill their stomachs twice each night. An adult hedgehog needs around 130 calories a day to survive. To get this, they will eat roughly 75grams, or 3 ounces, of food a night. To put this in perspective, hedgehogs eat about 8% of their body weight each night.

What is toxic to hedgehogs? ›

Tea Tree oil/ Eucalyptus/Thieves - this includes: tea tree shampoo, tea tree oil, tea tree sprays and anything tea tree. Even Candles inhaled can harm your hedgehog! This can be fatal in as little as one dose or application. It causes renal, liver and complete organ failure.

Can hedgehogs eat scrambled eggs? ›

Hedgie may also enjoy the occasional bit of cooked eggs. We recommend scrambling or hard boiling them. Small amounts of tofu and rice are fine as well.

How often do hedgehogs need baths? ›

Many people get confused about how often they should bathe their hedgehogs. Your vet should be the ultimate authority here. That said, in general, about once a month is good. Don't bathe your pet too often: this could dry out his skin!

What not to feed a hedgehog? ›

What not to feed hedgehogs
BAD food for hedgehogsReason
PeanutsPoor calcium:phosphorus ratio: 1:6
CricketsPoor calcium:phosphorus ratio: 1:6
BeetlesPoor calcium:phosphorus ratio: 1:3
Cheaper cat/dog food brandsPoor calcium:phosphorus ratio Chemical additives High sugar content
10 more rows
May 21, 2024

What is a hedgehog's favorite thing to do? ›

Like other small animals, hedgehogs love exploring mazes. You can use store-bought ones, or make your own out of PVC pipe or even boxes. Make sure it's big enough, so Hedgie won't get stuck.

What is the hedgehog's enemy? ›

Indeed, in his book The Hedgehog, Maurice Burton described the polecat as the hedgehog's “most deadly enemy, by common consent”; apparently they leave nothing, eating flesh, bones, bristles and spines. Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) may also represent a significant threat, particularly to hibernating individuals.

What do hedgehogs love to do? ›

Tunnels. Like many pocket pets, hedgehogs love to explore mazes and tunnels. This will keep Hedgie active, and offer him mental stimulation. You can buy labyrinths, or make your own out of shoeboxes or PVC pipe.

Is my hedgehog eating enough? ›

A hedgehog should not go more than three days without food and water, or else it could develop fatty liver disease. Ensuring that your hedgie has access to food and water at all times is extremely important.

How long can hedgehogs go without food? ›

From mid-November to March, hedgehogs go into hibernation. They reduce their body functions to a minimum. With the energy reserves they have piled up by eating, they can survive for up to half a year without food. Hedgehogs that weigh half a kilogram or more before hibernation have a very good chance of survival.

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.