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United states stove co. stove - pellet stove user manual

Hide thumbs Also See for KING/ASHLEY PELLET STOVE 5500:

  • Manual (49 pages)
Table Of Contents 2
  • Contents
  • Table of Contents
  • Troubleshooting
  • Bookmarks

Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
  • Safety Precautions
  • Specifications
  • Installation
    • Installation Options

    • Floor Protection

    • Clearances

    • Venting Requirements

    • Maximum Venting Distance

    • Pellet Vent Type

    • Pellet Vent Installation

    • Pellet Vent Termination

    • Vent Termination Clearances

    • Through The Wall Installation

    • Through The Roof/Ceiling Installation

    • Outside Air Supply

    • Special Mobile Home Requirements

  • Understanding Your Stove
  • Control PANEL Overview
  • Operation
    • Unit Preparation

    • Performing Initial Test

    • Performing A "Dry Run

    • Start-Up Procedure

    • Shut Down Procedure

    • Daily Operation

    • Safety And Convenience Features

  • Maintenance
    • Exhaust System

    • Interior Chambers

    • Ash Disposal

    • Check And Clean The Hopper

    • Main Door Gaskets

    • Blower Motors

    • Painted Surfaces

    • Glass

    • Fall Start-Up

    • Spring Shutdown

    • Yearly Servicing

  • Trouble Shooting
  • Repair Parts Diagram/List
    • Models 5500, 5500M, 5500Xl: Parts Diagram/List

  • Wiring Diagram


Quick Links

  • 1 Control Panel Overview
  • 2 Trouble Shooting
  • 4 Repair Parts Diagram/List
  • Download this manual





King/Ashley Pellet Stove


Please read this entire manual before installation and use of this appliance. Failure to follow

these instructions could result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death.

Contact your local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection

requirements in your area.

Save these instructions.




Owner's Manual


"Keeping North America Warm Since 1869"


PHONE: (800) 750-2723

models 5500/5500M/5500XL


FAX: (423) 837-2109

Part No.: 851641



Table ofContents

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Table of Contents


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Summary of Contents for United States Stove KING/ASHLEY PELLET STOVE 5500

  • Page 1 Contact your local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection  requirements in your area. Save these instructions.  UNITED STATES STOVE COMPANY • 227 INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD • SOUTH PITTSBURG, TENNESSEE 37380 • WWW.USSTOVE.COM FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: USSC “Keeping North America Warm Since 1869” 5500XL Owner’s Manual...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ... 2 SAFETy PrECAuTiONS ... 3 SPECiFiCATiONS ... 4 HeatingSpecifications ... 4 Dimensions ... 4 ElectricalSpecifications ... 4 FuelConsiderations ... 4 SafetyandEPACompliance ... 4 iNSTALLATiON ... 5 InstallationOptions ... 5 FloorProtection ... 5 Clearances ... 6 VentingRequirements ... 7 MaximumVentingDistance ...
  • Page 3: Safety Precautions

    IMPORTANT:Readthisentiremanualbeforeinstalling  and operating this product. Failure to do so may resultinpropertydamage,bodilyinjury,orevendeath. Properinstallationofthisstoveiscrucialforsafeand efficientoperation. Install vent at clearances specified by the vent  manufacturer. Donotconnectthepelletventtoaventservingany  otherapplianceorstove. Do not install a flue damper in the exhaust venting  systemofthisunit. Useofoutsideairisnotrequiredforthisunit.
  • Page 4: Specifications

    Heating Specifications HeatOutput Heating Capacity Fuel Burn Rate BurnTime(lowestsetting) HopperCapacity BTUoutputwillvarydependingonthequalityoffuel.UsePFIlistedfuelsforthebestresults. Heatingcapacitywillvarydependingonfloorplanlayoutofyourhome,degreeofinsulation,andtheoutsidetemperature. Pelletsizemayeffecttheactualrateoffuelfeedandburntimes.Fuelfeedratesmayvarybyasmuchas20%.UsePFIlistedfuelforbestresults. Dimensions Height Width Depth Weight Electrical Specifications Electrical Rating Watts(operational) Watts(igniterrunning) FuEL CONSidErATiONS Your King/Ashley stove is designed to burn premium hardwood pellets that comply withAssociation of Pellet Fuel Industriesstandards.(Minimumof40lbsdensitypercubicft,1/4”to5/16”diameter,lengthnogreaterthan1.5”,notless than8,200BTU/lb,moistureunder8%byweight,ashunder1%byweight,andsaltunder300partspermillion).Pellets thataresoft,containexcessiveamountsofloosesawdust,havebeen,orarewet,willresultinreducedperformance.
  • Page 5: Installation

    iNSTALLATiON OPTiONS Read this entire manual before you install and use your King/Ashley stove. Failure to follow instructions  may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death! (See specific installation details for clearances and other installation requirements) AFreestanding Unit—supportedbypedestal/legsandplacedonanon-combustiblefloorsurfaceincompliancewith clearancerequirementsforafreestandingstoveinstallation.
  • Page 6: Clearances

    CLEArANCES YourKing/Ashleystovehasbeentestedandlistedforinstallationinresidential,mobilehome,andalcoveapplications inaccordancewiththeclearancesgiveninFIGURES3-5andTABLE1. NOTE: Distance “C” on the left-hand side of your King/Ashley stove may need to be greater than the mini- mum required clearance for suitable access to the control panel. FigurE 3 SIDEWALLCLEARANCES PARALLELINSTALATION FigurE 5 ALCOVECLEARANCES Installation PARALLEL A-Backwalltounit B-Sidewalltoflue...
  • Page 7: VentingRequirements

    vENTiNg rEquirEMENTS Install vent at clearances specified by the vent manufacturer.  Do not connect the pellet vent to a vent serving any other appliance or stove.  Do not install a flue damper in the exhaust venting system of this unit. ...
  • Page 8: VentTerminationClearances

    vENT TErMiNATiON CLEArANCES: Minimum4-footclearancebeloworbesideanydoororwindowthatopens. Minimum1-footclearanceaboveanydoororwindowthatopens. Minimum3-footclearancefromanyadjacentbuilding. Minimum7-footclearancefromanygradewhenadjacenttopublicwalkways. Minimum2-footclearanceaboveanygrass,plants,orothercombustiblematerials. Minimum3-footclearancefromanforcedairintakeofanyappliance. Minimum2-footclearancebelowevesoroverhang. Minimum1-footclearancehorizontallyfromcombustiblewall. Mustbeaminimumof36-inchesabovetheroofand24-inchesabovethehighestpointortheroofwithin10-feet. Installation USSC...
  • Page 9: ThroughTheWallInstallation

    Installation ThrOugh ThE wALL iNSTALLATiON (RECOMMENDEDINSTALLATION) Toventtheunitthroughthewall,connectthepipeadapter totheexhaustmotoradapter.Iftheexhaustadapterisat least18-inchesabovegroundlevel,astraightsectionof pelletventpipecanbeusedthroughthewall. YourKing/Ashleydealershouldbeabletoprovideyou withakitthatwillhandlemostofthisinstallation,whichwill includeawallthimblethatwillallowtheproperclearance throughacombustiblewall.Onceoutsidethestructure,a 3-inchclearanceshouldbemaintainedfromtheoutside wallandacleanoutteeshouldbeplacedonthepipewith a 90-degree turn away from the house. At this point, a 3-foot(minimum)sectionofpipeshouldbeaddedwitha horizontalcap,whichwouldcompletetheinstallation(see FIGURE7). A support bracket should be placed just below the terminationcaporoneevery4-feettomakethesystem morestable.Ifyouliveinanareathathasheavysnowfall, itisrecommendedthattheinstallationbetallerthan3-feet to get above the snowdrift line. This same installation...
  • Page 10: OutsideAirSupply

    OuTSidE Air SuPPLy (optional) Dependingonyourlocationandhomeconstruction,outsideairmaybenecessaryforoptimalperformance. Metalpipe(solidorflexible)mustbeusedfortheoutsideairinstallation.PVCpipeisNOTapprovedandshouldNEVER beused. Awindshieldovertheterminationoftheoutsideairpipeora90-degreeelboworbendawayfromtheprevailingwinds MUSTbeusedwhenanoutsideairpipeisinstalledthroughthesideofabuilding.TheoutsideairterminationMUST beatleast1-footawayfromtheexhaustsystemtermination. TheoutsideairpipeonyourKing/Ashley stoveis17/8”OD.Theoutsideairconnectingpipemustbeatleast17/8”ID. TheoutsideairconnectionusedMUSTNOTrestricttheamountofairavailabletoyourstove.Theoutsideairconnecting pipemustbeasshortandfreeofbendsaspossible,anditmustfitover,notinside,theoutsideairconnectiontothestove. FigurE 8 EXHAUST/INLETLOCATIONS SPECiAL MOBiLE hOME rEquirEMENTS WARNING! - DO NOT INSTAll IN A SlEEPING ROOM  CAUTION! - THE STRUCTURAl INTEGRITy OF THE MObIlE HOME FlOOR, WAll, AND CEIlING/ROOF ...
  • Page 11: Understanding Your Stove

    Understanding your stove How your stove works YourKing/Ashley stoveutilizesainclinedaugerfuelfeedsystemthatisoperatedbyamicroprocessorcontrolleddigital circuitboard.Thedigitalcircuitboardallowstheinclinedaugerfuelfeedsystemtoruninatimer-based,non-continuous cycle;thiscyclingallowstheaugertorunforapredeterminedperiodofseconds.Theaugerpushespelletsupachute locatedatthefront/bottomofthehopperwhichinturnfallsthroughanotherchuteintotheburnpot.Yourstoveisequipped withanautomaticignitionsystemthatshouldignitethefuelwithin5-10minutesfrompressingtheONbutton.Aspellets entertheburnpotandignite,outsideairisdrawnacrossthefuelandheatedduringthecombustionprocesswhichis thenpulledthroughtheheatexchangerbytheexhaustmotorordraftfan.Asthestoveheatsup,roomairiscirculated aroundtheheatexchangerbymeansofaroomairblower,distributingwarmairintotheroom. Theamountofheatproducedbythestoveisproportionaltotherateofthefuelthatisburned,andthisrateiscontrolled bythe“HEATRANGE”setting.Inordertomaintaincombustionofthefuelatadesiredrate,theairprovidedtotheburn chamberbytheexhaustordraftfanmustbemaintainprecisely.Toolittleairwillresultinaflamethatisnon-energetic orlazy.Ifthefuelcontinuestoflowwithtoolittleairforlongenough,theburnpotwillfillwithtoomuchfuelandthefire willsmotherout.Tomuchairwillresultinaflamethatisoveractiveoraggressive.Theflameinthissituationistypically veryblueatthebottomandresemblesablowtorch.Ifthissituationcontinues,thefuelintheburnpotwillbeconsumed andthefirewillgoout. Matchingtheamountofairrequiredforpropercombustiontothefuelrateistheprimaryobjectiveineffectivelyburning pelletsofvariousbrandsandqualitiesinyourstove.Theairtofuelratiocanbeadjustedtoallowalmostanyfuelquality toburneffectivelybyfollowingtheproceduresdetailedintheremainderofthismanual. Becauseaforceddraftpressureisrequiredforthecombustionprocessinsideyourstove,itisextremelyimportantthat theexhaustsystembeproperlyinstalledandmaintained.And,thatwhenoperatingyourstove,youmakesurethatthe viewingdoorisproperlysealed. 4 Digit Display FigurE 10 DIGITALCONTROLPANEL Up / Down Buttons : Heat Range Room Fan Auto Mode...
  • Page 12: Control Panel Overview

    TurningtheheaterON/OFF,aswellasadjustmentsforthefuelfeedrateandroomfanspeedareperformedbypressing theappropriatebutton(s)onthecontrolpanelwhichislocatedonthelowerleft-handsideofyourheater. Thisunitcanbechangedbetweenanautomaticoperationoramanualoperation.Thecontrollercomesdefaultinthe automaticmode. ON/OFF • Pressingthe“ON”buttononthecontrolpanelwillbeginthestart-upsequencefortheheater.Fuelwillbeginto feedthroughtheaugerfeedsystemafter3minutes.Pressingandholdingthe“ON”buttonwillrotatetheauger continuouslyuntilbuttonisreleased,whichfeedsadditionalfuel. Pressingthe“OFF”buttononthecontrolpanelwillcausetheheatertoenteritsshut-downsequence.Thefuel feedsystemwillstoppullingfuelfromthehopperand,oncethefiregoesoutandtheheatercoolsdown,thefans willstoprunning. hEAT rANgE • Pressingthe“HeatRange”arrows,upordown,willadjusttheamountoffuelbeingdeliveredtotheburnpot. • drAFT FAN Thedraftfan(exhaust)willcomeonassoonasthe“ON”buttonispressed.Thefanwillautomaticallyadjustit* speedinaccordancetotheheatrangesetting.However,thisspeedcanbemanuallyoperatedbypressingthe “DraftFan”arrowsupordown.“DraftFan”whenpressed,thedisplaywillshow“Df-A”,whichisautomatic.Press thearrowsagaintoadjustfanspeed.Whentheheaterisinthemanualmode,theoptionalthermostatwillnot properlycontroltheunit.WhenadjustingtheDraftFansetting,tryonly1settingaboveorbelowtheheatsetting.It isbettertoleavethestoveintheautomaticmode. rOOM FAN • Theroomfanwillcomeononcetheunithasreachedoperatingtemperature.Bypressingthe“RoomFan”buttons, thedisplaywillshow“Rf-A”whichisautomaticor“Rf-1”through“Rf-9”formanualsettings.Inautomode,theroom fan’sspeedwillautomaticallybeadjustedinaccordancewiththeheatrangesetting.Bypressingthe“RoomFan” uparrow,youcanadjustthefanspeedsettingupto“Rf-9”.Theroomfanmustoperateatalevelgreaterthanor equaltotheheatrangesetting. AuX-USEDTORETURNTHESTOVETOTHEFACTORYSETTINGS • Toreturnthestovetoit’soriginalfactorysettings,pressandholdtheAUXUPandAUXDOWNbuttonssimultaneously for3seconds. AugEr dELAy • The“AugerDelay”buttoncanbeusedtopauserotationoftheAugerforapprox.1minute.Thiscanbecancelledby pressingthe“ON”button.The“AugerDelay”isnormallyusedonlyduringthestartupcycletoslowthefueldelivery downduringtheinitialignition.
  • Page 13: Operation

    uNiT PrEPArATiON Aftercarefullyunpackingandreadingtheinstructionsforinstallingyourstove,youwillneedtoperformthefollowingsteps: Attachtheincludedspringhandletothedoorhandlebyscrewingitoninarespectivelocation. • Attachtheelectricalcordtothebackofthestovefirst;thenplugitintoa110-voltoutlet(anoutletsurgeprotectoris • highlyrecommended). PErFrOMiNg AN iNTiAL TEST Thistestisusedatthefactorywherethestovesareassembledtotestthefunctionalityofthecontrolandthestove beforetheunitisshipped.Toperformthistest,pressandholdtheOFFandAUGERDELAYbuttonssimultaneouslyfor 3seconds.Toadvancethroughthetest,pressanykeyunlessotherwisenotedintheteststep. ExhaustFanOutputTest–Thedisplaywillshow“drft”.Theexhaustfanisturnedonfullthenreducedtoaleveljust abovethetypicalminimumpressureswitchsetting.TheONLEDindicateswhetherthepressuresensorisdetected. Ifthepressureswitchisnotdetected,thefanrampstofullonfortwosecondsthenreturnstothepreviouslyestablished levelifthepressureswitchcloses.IftheDraftFanFuseisnotblownandthefusedetectioncircuitisfunctioning, theDraftFanLEDwillbelitandtheotherthreetoprowLEDswillbeoff. RoomFanOutputTest-Thedisplaywillshow“rfan”.Theroomfanisturnedonfull.IftheRoomFanFuseisnot blownandthefusedetectioncircuitisfunctioning,theRoomFanLEDwillbelitandtheotherthreetoprowLEDs willbeoff. IgnitorOutputTest-Thedisplaywillshow“ignt”.Theignitormotoristurnedonfull.IftheIgnitor(AUX)Fuseisnot blownandthefusedetectioncircuitisfunctioning,theAuxLEDwillbelitandtheotherthreetoprowLEDswillbeoff. AugerOutputTest-Thedisplaywillshow“augr”.Theaugermotoristurnedonfull.IftheAugerFuseisnotblown andthefusedetectioncircuitisfunctioning,theHeatRangeLEDwillbelitandtheotherthreetoprowLEDswillbeoff. HopperSwitchTest–Thedisplaywillshow“hppr”.The“ON”LEDislit.Ifthehopperswitchisopen(lidisopen), the“HEATRANGE”LEDwillturnon.Ifthelidisclosed,the“HEATRANGE”LEDwillbeoff. ThermostatInputTest–Thedisplaywillshow“stat”.Ifthethermostatinputisclosed,theONLEDwillturnon, otherwiseitwillbeoff. FluegasThermistorTest–ThedisplaywillshowthefluegastemperatureindegreesF. ACFrequencyTest-DisplaysthemeasuredACFrequencyinhertzfollowedbytheletter‘H’. WatchdogReset–Thewatchdogtimeristestedtoensurethattheboardcanbereset.Themessage“BYE”is displayeduntilthewatchdogresetstheboard. PErFOrMiNg A “dry ruN” Performa“dryrun”onyourstovepriortomakingtheexhaust/inletconnectionsandstartingyourstoveforthefirsttime. CheckthatthereisNOfuelorANYforeignmaterialinthehopperorburn-pot.
  • Page 14: Start-UpProcedure

    STArT-uP PrOCEdurE Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to start or  “freshen up” a fire in this stove. Keep all such liquids well away from the stove while it is in use. Verifythatthehopperiscleanandfreeofforeignmatter.
  • Page 15: DailyOperation

    dAiLy OPErATiON The hopper and stove top will be hot during operation; therefore, you should always use some type of hand  protection when refueling your stove. Never place your hand near the auger while the stove is in operation. ...
  • Page 16: InteriorChambers

    Maintenance iNTEriOr ChAMBErS Periodicallyremoveandcleantheburnpotandtheareainsidetheburnpothousing.Inparticularitisadvisabletoclean outtheholesintheburnpottoremoveanybuildupthatmaypreventairfrommovingthroughtheburnpotfreely.Remove thetwo(2)platesoneachsideoftheburnpothousingandcleanoutthatrearchamber. Ifavacuumisusedtocleanyourstove,wesuggestusingavacuumdesignedforashremoval.Someregularvacuum cleaner(i.e.shopvacs)mayleakashintotheroom. ASh diSPOSAL Ashesshouldbeplacedinametalcontainerwithatightfittinglid.Theclosedcontainerofashesshouldbeplacedon anoncombustiblefloororontheground,wellawayfromallcombustiblematerials,pendingfinaldisposal.Iftheashes aredisposedofbyburialinsoilorotherwiselocallydispersed,theyshouldberetainedintheclosedcontaineruntilall cindershavebeenthoroughlycooled. CHECK AND ClEAN THE HOPPER Checkthehopperperiodicallytodetermineifthereisanysawdustorpelletsthatarestickingtothehoppersurface. Cleanasneeded. DOOR AND GlASS GASKETS Inspectthemaindoorandglasswindowgasketsperiodically.Themaindoormayneedtoberemovedtohavefrayed, broken,orcompactedgasketsreplacedbyyourAuthorized“King/Ashley”Dealer.Theglassgaskethasagapatthe bottomfortheairwash. BLOwEr MOTOrS Cleantheairholesonthemotorsofboththeexhaustanddistributionblowersannually.Removetheexhaustblower fromtheexhaustductandcleanouttheinternalfanbladesaspartofyourfallstart-up. PAiNTEd SurFACES Paintedsurfacesmaybewipeddownwithadampcloth.Ifscratchesappear,oryouwishtorenewyourpaint,contact ” Dealertoobtainacanofsuitablehigh-temperaturepaint. yourAuthorized“King/Ashley gLASS Werecommendusingahighqualityglasscleaner.Shouldabuildupofcreosoteorcarbonaccumulate,youmaywish touse000steelwoolandwatertocleantheglass.Intheeventyouneedtoreplacetheglass,onlyhightemperature ” Dealertoobtain ceramicglassofthecorrectsizeandthicknessmaybeused.ContactyourAuthorized“King/Ashley...
  • Page 17: Trouble Shooting

    Disconnect the power cord before performing any maintenance! NOTE: Turning the ON/OFF Switch to ”OFF”  does not disconnect all power to the electrical components of the stove. Never try to repair or replace any part of the stove unless instructions for doing so are given in this manual. ...
  • Error Codes and Display Indicators Error Error Code Descrption Err1 Thehighlimittemperaturesensor hastripped. Err2 Stoveranoutoffuelduringnormal operation. Err3 The stove was unable to reach the RoomFanOntemperaturewithinthe startuptime. Err4 Thepowerfailedwhilethestovewas hot, and when power was restored, thefirewasout. Err5 TheAugeroutputfusehasblown. Err6 TheIgnitoroutputfusehasblown. Err7 The Draft Fan (Exhaust Fan) output fusehasblown.
  • Page 19: Repair Parts Diagram/List

    Parts Diagram/List models 5500, 5500M & 5500XL Model 5500 Item Part No. Title 25490 DoorWeldment 891166 CeramicGlass 891188 GlassRetainer,Top 891186 GlassRetainer,Bottom 25517 Handle,Door 891168 Latch,Door 88082 3/4”RopeGasket Model 5500M/5500Xl Item Part No. Title 25507 FeedDoor 25492 Handle,Door 83506 3/8x11/4RollPin 891067 DoorGlassw/AshleyLogo 88066 5/8”RopeGasket...
  • Page 20 Parts Diagram model 5500, 5500M and 5500XL Note: All repair parts (other than Cabinet Sides, Hopper Assy., and Door Assy.) are same for models 5500, 5500M and 5500XL. USSC...
  • Page 21 Parts List model 5500/5500M/5500XL Item Part No. Title 86624 BurnpotAssembly 86625 HousingAssy,Burnpot 86628 Weldment,ExhaustDuct 86633 Weldment,IgniterTube 80481 IgniterCartridge 25506 Weldment,DoorHinge 69512 DoorAssembly 69518 HopperAssembly(5500) 69522 HopperAssembly(5500XL) 891164 WeldmentAugerHousing 69513 Assy.,BushingRetainerBottom 10.1 891190 Plate,BottomBushing 10.2 891132 Bushing 10.3 83534 Retaining Ring 69514 Assy.,BushingRetainerTop 11.1...
  • Page 22: Wiring Diagram

    Wiring Diagram USSC...
  • Page 23 Notes USSC...
  • Page 24 This lisT: 1. The parT number 2. The parT descripTion 3. The model number: 5500 5500m 5500Xl 4. The serial number:____________________ united states stove company 227 industrial park road p.o. box 151 south pittsburg, Tn 37380 (800) 750-2723 www.ussTove.com USSC...

This manual is also suitable for:

King/ashley 5500xlKing/ashley pellet stove 5500mKing/ashley 5500m



What does E3 mean on an Ashley pellet stove? ›

E3 error means the hopper ran out of pellets. This could also be a bad sensor. So I would check or replace the Low Limit Snap disc before replacing the circuit board.

What is error 1 on ashley pellet stove? ›

It's an airflow issue so it could be a bad vacuum switch, worn door or ash pan gaskets, bad exhaust blower, or the venting could be clogged. The stove could need to be cleaned.

What is error 3 on King pellet stove? ›

I get an error message 3. The manual says this error indicates “The stove was unable to reach the Room Fan On temperature within the startup time.” The cause is “Flame or Fuel quality caused the fire to burn too slowly or go out. Auger output failure or jam Hopper empty on startup.”

Can you leave a pellet stove running 24-7? ›

Many pellet stoves are designed to burn for several hours, and some models can even run continuously for up to 48 hours. This makes them an excellent choice for those chilly nights when you want to maintain a comfortable temperature without constantly refueling the stove.

Should you run a pellet stove overnight? ›

While this electricity dependency can be viewed as a potential drawback, the convenience and reliability of pellet stoves make them an excellent choice for those seeking hassle-free and extended overnight warmth.

What setting should I run my pellet stove on? ›

It is best to run the appliance on the lower heat settings like 2 or 3 rather than up at 4 or 5.

Why is my King pellet stove not feeding pellets? ›

The hopper may be empty. Fill the hopper and allow a few minutes for the unit to auger the pellets onto the burn pot. Venting may be blocked. The Pressure Switch senses a lack of air flow and will shut the motors off.

Can a pellet stove get clogged? ›

With some variants, pellet stoves may also include exhaust vents that escape through the ceiling. The vent may be blocked if there is a thick accumulation of snow on your roof that hasn't slid off or been pushed off. Whatever method your stove uses to exhaust, make sure to check for obstruction.

What is the life expectancy of a pellet stove? ›

Typically, a pellet stove has an average lifespan of between 10 and 15 years, depending on the quality of the product and how well it is maintained. In fact, the longevity of the stove depends on the care with which it is maintained and the use of quality replacement parts.

How to factory reset king pellet stove? ›

How to Perform a Factory Reset with your Broil King Pellet Grill Controller
  1. Unplug your pellet grill from its power source for 20 seconds, then. ...
  2. Press the POWER button to turn the unit ON.
  3. Press and hold the POWER button, then the GEAR button, and. ...
  4. In the next 1 – 15 seconds (no later than 20 seconds), repeat STEP.

Can I burn corn in my King pellet stove? ›

While you can purchase corn from any local farmer or business, it's important they know that you plan on burning corn for heat in a pellet stove. The corn needs to be clean and dry, and you should never burn any seed corn or other chemically treated corn, old corn, corn with mildew or mold, etc.

Why is my pellet stove not very hot? ›

If you notice that your stove isn't burning pellets as well as it should or producing as much heat as it was, air flow may be to blame. Check the stove's door to make sure it is sealing securely and that no air is escaping through the door. A blocked air inlet cap also could be to blame.

What does E3 mean on a stove? ›

The E3 code is a safety feature. It appears when the unit's running temperature is higher than the programmed temperature to prevent any food from burning or the overheating of the unit.

How do you fix an E3 error on an induction stove? ›

Wait until the cook-top cools down. Error code E3 means voltage over-loaded. Operation can be resumed when power voltage returns to normal rating.

How do I fix an E3 error on my heater? ›

To reset them if you encounter an E3 error code, start by unplugging the unit for at least five minutes. Check vents for obstructions or dust accumulation that could trigger the error. Ensure all wiring connections are tight as loose wires can cause excessive resistance leading to E3 errors.

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