Dunkirk Evening Observer, Feb 13, 1932, p. 2 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Feb 13, 1932, p. 2 (1)

Acton Free Press

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - February 13, 1932, Dunkirk, New YorkTwo Dunkirk Kab Nunu Bruj Krebb saturday 1932 report secret agreement Between russian soviet and Japan both governments deny charges made in not ready for War. By Herbert Moore United 1 Cwi staff Corrca Polmont Ixia inn feb. I j hens a Lucuil charges of a secret Preuty concluded i Cloon soviet Russia incl in pm Klink in Gnu control of Man Chirla and Purl of Mongolia were published in die Nelly express loony. Tho rally exp Romi article inserted that to agreement was concluded by Moscow As an alternative to War Over i waning internal.1 air now occupied Liy Iho Jap Tauese. Tho newspaper Salil that Uio pcs pro of some of i soviet leaders to right it out we Lar in inn had result a hitter conflict in the inner councils at Moscow. The soviet government was declared to to pledged under the pact not to intervene in any affair affecting Tho Pacific purported stipulation of Peculiar interest to the uni Ted Stales. The Laily also said that it had been agreed that the soviet interests in Tho chinese Eastern railway running through North Manchuria would be bold 10 Japan. Japan acquired Iho railway rights in South Manchuria in the War in 1004-05. Joseph v. Stalin Tho soviet ill ctn Tor was said in Tho article to Lingo overruled the demands for War by deciding that Tho soviets at present were in no position to Fuco the pro numbly highly organized War machine of modern Japan. The japanese Consul at Tho Samo Limo at Vladivostok Siberia near Tho Annc Burlap Border and on the pad Fly reported War like activities by the. Nus slim. The soviet officials 3iuvo repeatedly emphasized their do for peace. It was admitted by the soviet Del leg Tilton at Genova recently that Eer a Iii changes were Heling made to strength in sir Rlyons on the Maucher Ian. Frontier. Tokyo Dan let report Tokyo feb. The gov eminent today denied any Secco treaty1 with soviet Russia. The re ports of Rich an agreement Wen characterized an soviet i Kirici denial too Moscow Fob. 13 i the soviet government today officially denied reports in London of a score treaty with Annun on Manchuria mid other far Eastern. Quest Liim town burned up but want her pay loll so. A Riddle. A school teacher signed contract to Tench school in Junr Tiburc Idaho foe one year. Quark Hurt was burned up lock Todt and barrel Bya Forest tire. Tjie teacher demanded tier salary. But there were not Only no Joarizo Raj pupils hut no quart burs. The Idaho attorney general in trying to mud an answer. Flying Speed of wild i found to vary 1 Amherst. Fly uni Speed of different types of Ivald ducks varies As much is 3i Miles an hour Massa Iuliu scots state College scientists have discovered. Though wild ducks Ordi Luilly by lit about 40 Miles an hour jul stalls have been clocked at to 00 in tics per hour and a c*nt Shack wins Fourd to have a top Vit cd of to titles hour. Old we ppm Pott Alfred. Oak try a which served us n whip Phil Post in the Days of colonial Mue Luwi still standing lure. Want and in the ods Ruveh pvn Hie Nirdi ads How Uncle Sam lands Battle Hawaii War Maneu vers reveal tricks in moving soldiers sailors horses guns and kitchens from ship to Shore Nea san Francisco Bureau wily old Uncle Sam has a Bill of it ebb up ills sleeve and to revealed some of them in Landing an. Armed Force equipped with everything from held pieces to rolling kitchens at Hawaii in the annual army and Navy Maneu vers. These pictures show How he did it. Heave shouted sailors from the u. S. S. Nevada and soldiers from the 30th infantry As they Milos Ideal an Cocoi t Wagon on the Beach at the upper left. It anybody rocks Tho boat a wet time will be had Ivy the infantry Man shown in the lower picture going ashore in a from the u. S. S. Tennessee. And those Aren t the horse marines you Nee at the right but Hosoa and mules Helm Tenn ported to land on a Navy Barge. The animals Are taught to swim if it becomes necessary. The pictures were taken by the u. S. Army signal corps. 10 continued from i Ngo one Laid before the world. 1. The naval military forces have used the International settlement at Shanghai As a base for their attacks on the chinese police and troops and As a Sanctuary they can retire when repulsed and for recuperation and re Supply. A. The chinese troops defending Goll from the ruthless invade Hure been unable to reply effectively to the japanese attacks without endangering the liven and property of Tho Mandit. Of Friendly Neutral for hers residing in Tho International settlement and Arron Ndang sigh Nuhs Hugo Hcan. Gnu he to pursue their japanese without risking a conflict with Friendly Neutral foreign police and Troon protecting the set element. Take shelter behind skirt of other "3. The japanese naval and Mili tary forces have used River front docks within the International nettle mom to land their troops artillery and supp liw. The warships anchored at Tho when goo River alongside to International settlement fired Over Iho settlement at the Chi Nese forces resisting Tho japanese lacks Tho chinese territory outs do Tho settlement and the chinese Artil Lery cannot reply effectively Wiltho it Kra Voly Endami Zerini scores of ecu Tinl vessels in Tho Nort. The Jap anese flagship with Tho japanese Admiral and staff directing attacks alongside Tho wharf near the Center of Tho . To Tho japanese air planes Noah Cal All parts of the chinese sections at Shanghai and also parts of the International settlement and then with Drew Over Tho ind Sellon of Tho International settlement. Japanese military Focca ind civilian in Nulf Orcil Csc Manta have killed and injured an Hie number of the immutable Laws of tic Laos cannot to altered we must adjust ours Clova to Uipi bodily Nimax of All times Tan Poal Boura to Capon once. No earthly Power can help the ii is our duly to conduct a Csc rites lie Moi mar will find a Lii Auitt i tribute could Lute own offered Supkoski serve to an a Narried men women and estimated Between and Mil imprisoned and maltreated Many others and executed Mitny without trial. And fires started by lion by already have de troyed Jiro Perty roughly estimated to be hundreds of millions of Owney Madden arrested must appear before parole Board at sing sing prison. Albany n. Y., feb. State Board of parole announced to Lay it Baa ordered Owney Madden s removal to sing sing where a hearing will take place March 9 to determine what action should he taken against the alleged new York Beer Baron charged with violating hit parole. Owney a statement is sued by the parole Board said was to ecu tinder Ciu Tody in new York City Friday by metro Kilham n District detectives. As a Zurolo violator no will be taken to sing sing prison at once by state Parolo of Clerc. He will to con Ineil there in c is Tody of Warden Lewis e. Lawce under jurisdiction of uie new York Stato parole Board and will appear at to next meeting of the Board in thai not Lention on March 9. Disposition i his Caso will to made at that Madden was caught As he was to enter his Home. Trio Only charge Gal not him u that he violated his parole. Madden n 10 to 20 year sentence growing out of. A Man Slaughter conviction does not expire until 1935. Madden had listed himself As employed by the Hydro laundry mid dry cleaning corporation of Brooklyn. But Israel Levy president denied to was an employee. Broadway reports say Madden sup plies Tho City with most of its Beer and liquor and that to owns several night clubs hut police mid prohibition Arenas. However have failed to convict Milden in any such cult Prisc. Illicit burglar mail amount of com lows store about ten dollars in Cash taken Hole in rear window. A burglar who forced his War into lie Jordan store in East Koerth a tract Friday a flt not Well repaid for his efforts Iho Only reported mass inc Ihl morning were a leather wll fold at i2.00 and Tome change to which had left in Jhc . The a strap for in francs to tiie by cull no Small fools window at he car of Iho More the Latchi Aid raising Balcom Corners Charlotte cd Maii , Mae Jean Fordyce Harriet Graham Florence Green Dorothy Gre Tumau Al ecu Lood Kathryn Hill Jean Llen North East Bartlit Church Notts i if Woff Tho missionary society of the Lap Nen Lotta Mann Edytho lint Church save a up ended pageant Ethel Thoin Pton Donald Ball. Sunday evening. Theodore Baker Bell Harold sunday feb. Ii Rev i Greenman Clifford Oreen Raan Bobby m. Shreve will hold err acc in tha of Mellon Pau 8hluh r Church for two week. Mrs Lbw and sell Ltd w c Way Leon the rhythm girls of Harrar Creek Wilkinson Alta Pratt organist will furnish the music each even los in Ball mrs during . From the play Over the and far Given for the Benefit of the p. T. A., about was realized instead of the sum reported recently. M. E. Church Newi the inem Bera of uie official Board a pm cult Nipper and meeting tuesday evening Church. The Junior choir gave several selections sunday evening the Mem Berg Are , Corr inc ban Gher Eleanor Baugher Jean Collyer Black director. The Day of prayer for woman at the several organizations of the churches will be held in the m. E. Church Friday afternoon feb. 12, at o clock Walford More will sing in the Sim Day school and morning service Sun Day. Feb. 14. The choir Rill enjoy a social hour Friday evening in the Church. Birthday Turp lie Fri. Josephine Fargo waa Glen plezant burp lie recently in Honor of her 87th birthday mrs. Mary hush and mrs Hall Bister of mrs. Fargo acted As Host epics. Many out of town Fri end Fere Gueitis among them being or. And my Charles Towne Ashtabula or. And in. Ii. A Titus Hamburg n. Or. And my. Alton wheel lock and North Collins n. A e Stern Star Fri. C. C. Hill entertained uie members of tha Eastern Staj at a Lea tuesday feb. 9. Suiyin i literary world the three books by John Buyun att by which had an enormous Nile Are the poll Gram i holy mid the Grace abounding to uie Lilet of this last was Bunyung autobiography Aud wan written la Ion while he Wai undergoing a prison Kab tence. The i i 316-318 main Street Dunkirk n. Sale of students mrs. M. H. Stolts and Are. Fred Stolts entertained the. Thimble club of wednesday. A son was born to or. And mrs. Ralph. Dyo last week. A daughter Wab born to or. Aud mrs. Larvey a. Sapnu Clou on feb. 1. Elmer Bromley been very 111 Jio Parfit week. Or. And mrs. L. W. Austin Euler ined a company of friends at a six o clock dinner last saturday evening. Mrs. Bert Crowell of Forestville in spending some time with her father Kollyn Ahlrich. Or. And mrs. J. E. Wood were pertained at dinner at the Home of or. And mra. Charles Johnson of wednesday. Mrs. Lottie Phillips and sons Glenn Donald and Gordon were in Dunkirk saturday. Miss Mabel Lillie spent uie week ind at the Home of. Or. And mrs Harold Babco*ck in Buffalo. Or. Mrs. Horton a Lacy of Jamestown were Gumti at the l. W. Actin Home or. Aud Fri. Hartley. Hemphill at Tablet spent Friday evening at the Home of or. And mrs. Bert Saa Derion. Or. And my. Ernest Dye attended the funeral of a Cousin at Cherry Creek last week or. And mrs. J. E. Wood spent Fri Day evening at Tho. Home of or. And my. Pc Kim. Donald Saa Derion and family of Frodo la spent sunday at the Home of his parents or. And in. Bert Sanderson miss Eva a Brookman clerking in the variety store at South Dayton. Mrs. Ella binding us Able to be up and around the Houte. Or. And mrs. Fred Ruttenbur of Hamlet were guests at the borne of or. And mrs. Lloyd straight sunday. . M. Nobles entertained the Industrial Chib on thursday. Leare your for grape Belt with your correspond ent. Mrs. Alice Dawlson and mrs. Ethel Dallion wore callers on f Dutton at South Dayton monday. Mrs. H. S. Sweetland and ton Lilc worn in Jamestown on by Einess wednesday. Liuti is Hodon of Frodo la was caller at the h. S. Sweetland hom*o sunday. Are. Peter White of Hanover visit cil at the John Alff Home monday. Guerdon Lay of Jamee Towa it help ing his brother Floyd in cutting Wood. Drouil a Day or state can condemn any real properly for Public use provided the owner is paid just compensation. This unquestionable right of the City or state is culled the tight of Emi nent the oar Nury o clock when opened and report was immediately to the lint yet no of the want. A at tit articles solicit to Man Ryobi Piir count to in Der Warner 1. . Surro Pite it churl Aaroa Ounla. Notice hereby to All scr tons having against Adel fam w. Dunkirk in county. Dec Mowl. Tical they 10 male voc Accra thereof. To fee tubs item of will and to Cut of Iho mid at Oie of tic iraqis p. Llcy Fernan in Mic City it Uon vim in Mia county in before Tom Ink a Marci heat 14. J31. Shock National 8asx. Thomas t. 11effetixax us roil heat he to 12t pm Tel atom at sizes 12 to 20 we Are overstocked on account of the mild Winter ave had. Now a the time to select a Good overcoat at great savings. All Wool materials in mixtures and Plain colors of. Blue Brown and Grey. Box style and half Belt models. These overcoats sold at the be ginning of the season at x dress pants pair men s Oil Wool Pauls in mixtures of Brown Blue and Grey to match your suit. Sizes 30 to 42, values at men s u. Suits 59c Winter weight heavy ribbed Union suits for men in random color Only. Sizes 36 to 46, regular 85c value. Men s sweaters 79c heavy sweaters in coat style. Colors arc Grey Brown and Oxford. Some with heavy shawl Collar. Sizes 38 to 46, regularly flannel shirts 92c Wool flannel so riots for men in Grey Navy or Kliski full Cut and tailored Well. Sizes 141-2 to 17, regular value. Men s pyjamas 79c Flannelette Falamas for men in slip on or but ton Down styles. Sizes a to a regular value. Men s Caps 59c new Spring style and colors including Tana and Greys guaranteed All Wool materials. All sizes. Shirts on Sale at 79c Plain and Novelty colors including White Blue Tan mid Green. Fine Pality Broadcloth full Cut and Well made fast colors. All sizes regular value. Men s Hose Loc pair fancy Hose in Rayon and Cotton Good assortment of new Pat terns. Sizes 10 to 12. Spring hats of Straw braids and combined with we ribbon latin tar inns draped modc3s in Buck Coloni. Combing Lions Clr Triy ringed into pleasing Lints. Shiny a Olgh targe and Small Hwd pall one for every;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Feb 13, 1932, p. 2 (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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