Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

EVENING OBSEEVER, THUBSDAY, JANUARY 18,1945 PAGE NIN1 that aetlvttit* ot in Uaitcd States wiU be ot great In- of this 'K OBSBRVBR will te ttms tn the future to eh data us men themaelvei from lettew Mends, or dl- thii paper. of of Dunkirk men In i their transfer from to toother within con- States, and ibout them and their to life la the service will ntd by the OBSERVER. Leonard F. Stt ef 218 Lake Shore has been awarded the by Maj. 6en.

Louts A. Is Overseas itir ik cfifflfflndiBg general of the rtantry division In Germany, Photo. Pvt. George R. llulblrl.

who has arrived with an Infantry unit In Italy, He entered the service In June, 1044. His wife, Mrs, Norma Hulblrt, resides at 104 Columbus street. Broadway ilwilerious service in opera iltiMt the enemy ia North i titt gupkowskl was Inducted 1W2. saw aetion.la the gm and Sicilian campaigns raUtttt operations in Nor-'7 8-day He is MAMT ot the 41th Infantry, aHifith Division regiment which peninsula, later iftto eity ef Cherboucg jwanntiy distinguished the liberation of France IHhtf oeeugiedjeuntries. VOT Graves of Howard whe is now in the Phlllp- to been promoted to staff Jcsephiat Dimmer of 120 ijtrttt has received word i kef sea, CpL Francis E.

wr, that he in traniftrred rCtfflp Piekett, to the iddfrtS! 3281944, Mtit Qm. fia. (MBL) Fort ef Staff Sgt. Harry i el Buekner is ASN Company A. 385th Pettmaster, IrXorit city.

The address of his Mr, Sgt Albert ff. Irish, is Company 417th ar, AJ.O. 78, Postmaster ifiik. I Mildred Graves of Howard bu bien promoted to the i tt Mtmas Her address headquarters Bar- 11-tM, Masiaehusetts and Washington, lnr.Hd MrsTrrank Masilen of rsfettt have received word fWr SOB, Pvt. Jack Masilon, i te ia Oewaany.

bro, Chartes Mastlon, was 1 trefijferred from Texas of Edward J. Pople- jftm tod to 1st lieutenant taaouneed from a B-17 fortress station of the in Etiglanct. Lieut. is navigator en a Fort- has been bombing Nazi ifUats and hitting military in support of AUleid He is the soa of ittd Mrs. John of IfMakUn avenue.

Plateoa Sergeant Jack et 213 Washington avc tin from the ma chine gun class at Camp Lejeuno, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F.

Ganey of West Fifth street have received word from their son, "Lieut. William Ganey, that he is in- England with the 221st General hospital, He is billeted on a large estate, and told oE attending midnight mass in the stable of the estate on Christmas Eye. Pfc. Stanley J. Slumsky of King street, who is somewhere in Germany, recently wrote his parents that he met John Maloney and Robert Fitzgerald of Dunkirk on Christmas Day.

in his New Year's letter he told ot meeting Francis, Dull, also of Dunkirk. Pic. Slum- sky has been in the service May 1042 and has been overseas 18 months. Cpl. Leftherls Kourells, son of Mr Mrs.

Nicholas Kourelis of 19 East Third street, is a 'member of a service group or the Ninth Air Force Service Command recently commended, for Its part in the Air-ground push that drove the German armies from northern France. The group is responsible for the supply and major repair to the P-31 Mustang group and a P-47 Thunderbolt group. Kourells is a machinist. Cpl. Pvt.

Joseph Krzal, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Krzal of 27 Leming street, has graduated'from the field telephone school of the Marine Corps at Camp Lejcuhe, X. He now qualified to install 'and 'maintain all types -of telephone equipment usc(l In the field by the SQUASH SIGN Concord, N. --Sign outside a New Hampshire farmhouse: "For Sale: Hand picked Squash." --T OBSERVER contains prompt and complete nrws BY JACK GAYER (New York, (UP) Hedgerow theater and Moylan-Rbse valley, fall on the ear like a warm summer breeze, but the repertory group' ot that name from the Philadelphia suburb with the llowery handle made its New York debut last night to a blizzard, overture. And, to-make the occasion even more ironic, the event would have to be in the summery-sounding Cherry Lane theater.

On the stage was Arthur Rich bogging down to exhaustion in a jungle (in the title V.vole of O'Neill's "The Emperor and outside the theater, -both before and after the performance, were 200 hardy floundering around In six to eight inches of snow for the sake of the drama. (Clearing and colder today.) The Hedgerow theater, founded and still dominated by Jasper Deeter, has been in operation for 21 years but it took wartime conditions to get it to New York. Normally it operates the year round in its 150-year-old home at Rose valley but gas rationing and. the fuel' shortage have combined with other things to make life difficult on the home grounds this season. the to Greenwich village for at least a month repertory.

The Hedgerow is a way of life as well -as a theater company Aspiring young actors were gathered together, toy Deeter in 1023 to carry out his. plan of a permanent repertory company UIY hampered by the 'demands business makes on the commercia theater. Its members live anc work together, performing all th tasks necessary to putting on play, and now there are' 155 play In Its repertoire, 40 of them pro duced at Hedgerow for the firs time anywhere. Artists now in th company have service of from seven to 20 years. The Commer cial theater has a lot of Hedgerow graduates.

"The Emperor Jones" is Hedgerow's most popular dramas having been played many time since Oct. 27, 1023. Last nigh Deeter again played Smlthers, th co*ckney trader. He created th role when the lamented Province town theater first produced th play Nov. 1, 1920 and has los count of the number of times as played It.

The Hedgerow will be at the herry Lane until Feb. 11 at least, resenting three other plays be- ides on the Christopher Morley and ean Black," Quintirv Quintans" Ramon Naya and "Tomorrow's Yesterday" by Jack Klnnard. Radio's Ellery Queen" detective how has the darnedest problem; And it will become even more Jan. 24 when both Uia iroadcast lor the eastern part of he country and that for the west oast start 'happening 'on the same night. The program presents a differ- int -crimi each week and uses an 'armchair detective," a guest, who tears the broadcast's presentation of all the clues and then tries give the solution before detectfcvei Jueen explains.

Right now and in past the broadcast to the Pacific coast has been on one night and the eastern broadcast two nights later. Fantastic as it may sound sonic of the guest detec- for the eastern 'broadcasts have gone to the trouble and expense of phoning friends on. the coast to learn the solution so they won't by making a wrong guess 'when' their turn mes. The program's 'handlers are getting grey now over the shift that will play both broadcasts on the same night, with the eastern one coming first. How are they going to keep the guest; for'the West's rebroadcast from tuning in and getting, the lowdown.

They have been considering everything from knockout drops to kidnaping but because the law still frowns on, these effective measures they are still open to suggestions. Since the guests are reputable and well known people I suggested the simple method of putting them.on their honor. All I got for my pains was an incredulous "are youkidding?" MINUTES FROM ETERNITY Galveston, Hurret gunner Asa Lee Crow is glad to be baclc In Galveston--vtry'glad. He alniost didn't get there, because once in the South Pacific, his plane "was supposed to land on a certain carrier but we landed on instead--in time to see the first carrier blown up about five minutes- later. Australia expects its 1944-45 wheat to total 60,000,000 bushels.

found Stum TkbliU kapnr tiUiC to iynploiBi of MM Mb. Tqr BliU'i tat wiko up te ttw Moralic fnttec 11,000.000. ytar Mly 25c, Me. Of BMt- Ikft Pfflsfanrvs lUfrfortfof Hofc bokinq GUARANTEED I MmMUATMIOUS tr tah BUY MAIL NOW YOUR JEWELRY VALENTINE FOR YOUR OVERSEAS let in Sterling S4J.95 military bruihei' I with Itmgeholn. and comb In lilt fJofm A.

Stapf Son "Qmtity Jowettn" Since 1378 Ave. Phone 2797 Dunkirk, N. Y. Our cinnamon, raisin, breakfast buns So tender and tasty, are the ones That make the morning meal a delight And help you start every day just right! An enjoyable breakfast will put you in the mood to make the most of the day to come. To help you achieve that goal we recommend our delicious variety of breakfast buns.

FOR VARIETY in your MENUS, Cinnamon Rolls, Nut Twist, Cinnamon Twists Pecan Rolls, Walnut Rolls, Pineapple Filled Rolls, Bran Muffins, Blueberry Muffins, Cherry Muffins, Pecan Loaf, Pecan Ring, Apple Ring, Boston Brown Bread, Nut Bread, Assorted Coffee Cakes, and our very popular California Fruit and Nut Bread. DUNKIRK FAMILY BAKERY Recognized for Quality -East Fourth at Park Avenue Phone 2747 fRISH FRUITS VlOlTABLtS Fancy Broccoli i Navel Oranges Texas Spinach 2 19 Iceberg Lettuce 2 25 Apples 3 35 Grapefruit 5 29 Fresh Tomatoes Potatoes i iw 3 ib 29 New Cabbage 2 15 Cake Marvtl RAISIN BREAD 'jam Cwwnd HOT Jam -taikw FUDGE POTATO HERE'S GOOD NEWS! MORE NECTAR TEA NbW AVAflABLE NectarTea. Grape Jam "i Apple Butter Mellow Wheat I Quick Oats Cake Floar Hoodies Coin Flakes Bland Lard Margarine Macaroni I Honey Butter i Bice Gems I4c 14 SunnyfUM fvnnyfbM Aim tlfaaw ipash tor bsx FOWL Drown Fowl Ground Beef Sliced Bacon Lamb Liver Meat Loaf Sauerkraut Beef Liver Dill Pickles Beef Brains FANCY 441 AVIRAW 29e CHERRYSTONE 29c RUDDOCK FILLETS. 41c BOD I DRESSED MACKEREL 23c KEYKO MARGARINE MALTEX CEREAL CRISCO 3 68' (Found pkg. 240 PAIMOUVE A PALMOUVI A White House Milk Sunnylield Flout Wildmere Eggs Eight O'Clock Coffee Sparkle Pudding Tomato Soup Ilygrade Party Loaf Ann Page Beans Tuna Fish w( Ipna Tomato Juice Salad Dressing A-Pelui Motor Oil Daily Dog Meal 5 Complexion Soap 4 19et Gerbtr's Boby Food Old Dutch Clednser .2 15c A-Penn Dry ClSaner 53c White Sail Cleanser 12e Holium Peanut Crurwh 30c V-8 Ceektail 15e Armour's Treet 33c OCTAGON Cleanser .2 9c Toilet Soap 9e Soap Powder KIRKMAN'S SOAP FLAKES THE GREAT ATLANTIC 61 PACIFIC TEA CO.

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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)


What is Dunkirk NY famous for? ›

Dunkirk is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Dunkirk Boardwalk Market. Point Gratiot Park. Dunkirk City Pier.

What is the news paper in Dunkirk NY? ›

The Observer and Observertoday.com are the leading source for news and information in Dunkirk and northern Chautauqua County.

What movie was filmed in Dunkirk NY? ›

1. A Quiet Place Part II.

Why is Dunkirk so famous? ›

Over 338,000 allied soldiers were rescued from Dunkirk in the face of overwhelming odds. Discover what made the evacuations from Dunkirk so successful, how the British evacuation was carried out and why Winston Churchill regarded the operation as a 'miracle of deliverance'.

What is it like to live in Dunkirk NY? ›

Dunkirk Reviews

There are some issues with drugs and poverty, but overall the people are nice and down to earth. The main issue is the conservative leadership of the county doing nothing to encourage larger employers to move in. And the state is investing more in public housing than in education.

What was the popular newspaper during ww2? ›

Stars and Stripes London edition, published daily for the US armed forces in the European theatre. Fauji Akhbar, a publication for Indian troops. Victory, a magazine for British soldiers serving in India. Eighth Army News, a British weekly for forces in Italy.

How do I find newspaper archives online? ›

Google News Archive is an extension of Google News. It provides free access to scanned archives of newspapers and links to other newspaper archives on the web, both free and paid. Some of the news archives date back to the 18th century. There is a timeline view available to help you select news from a specific period.

Why is Dunkirk special? ›

From May 26 to June 4, over 338,000 British and French troops were safely evacuated from Dunkirk. Critical to this process was the British Royal Air Force, which intercepted German bombers above the beach. Together with the civilians who aided the Royal Navy, they saved countless lives.

What was unique about Dunkirk? ›

1. CHRISTOPHER NOLAN TOYED WITH THE IDEA OF SHOOTING WITHOUT A SCRIPT. Christopher Nolan's movies are known for having twisting plots and plenty of memorable dialogue, but for Dunkirk, the director wanted to pull back and allow the story to unfold in a much more natural, improvised way.

Why was Dunkirk a big deal? ›

Victory for Britain was a long way off, but the evacuation at Dunkirk was one of the few rays of light in the Allied cause. It was a great success coming at the end of a dismal failure, a success which kept the British army intact and British morale afloat, for now. The following month France surrendered to Germany.

Is That 70s Show based on Dunkirk NY? ›

“That 70's Show” was based off of the Fredonia/Dunkirk area

and the Vineyard Restaurant are frequently referenced.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.